2. About this project and Victorian Disability Act 2006

If you get services under the Disability Act 2006, then you have a right to:

  • get information about those services, and
  • get information about the Disability Act 2006 in a way you understand.

This web site aims to help you find out about your rights under the Disability Act 2006.

You can also get information in many different formats including:

  • easy read,
  • community languages, and
  • audio

You can find all this information at the following website: www.dhs.vic.gov.au/ds/disabilityact

You can look at and download all the videos on this site at the Act Resources Guide YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/argresearch

The Self Advocacy Re-Born or the SARB consortium, has developed resources about the Disability Act 2006 in partnership with people with a disability.

The project is called the Act Resources Guide or the ARG project.

This website and many of the films on it were developed as part of the ARG project.

For more information about the SARB consortium, click on ‘the SARB consortium’ menu at the side of this page.

state_Government_logo_colour  The ARG project was supported by the Victorian Government.